Concerts 2024





Concerto finale Masterclasses

“Italian sounds in the world” 2024

“Invitation to Belcanto”, Maria Dragoni

Maestro Collaboratore al Pianoforte, Mirco Roverelli






Sunday 9 June 2024 ore 19

Free admission

Salone della Chiesa S.Angela Merici

via S.Angela Merici 55, 00162 Rome

For information:

0039 3335219956

Vivaldi Sacred and Profane

Lo Stile Musicale del Prete Rosso


Symphony in D minor for strings and continuous bass At the Holy Sepulchre” RV 169

“Sorrowful daughters of Jerusalem” Introduction to the Miserere in C minor for contralto, strings and continuous bass RV 638 – Recitative and Aria

“Lord God” for soprano, strings and continuous bass from Gloria in D major RV 589

“Nothing in the world is sincere” Motet in E major for soprano, strings and continuous bass RV 630

“Cease henceforth cease” Cantata RV 684 for contralto, strings and continuous bass

“Madness” dalla Sonata in Re minore per due violini e basso continuo op.1 n.12

*Transcription for strings and continuous bass by A.Vitolo


Saturday 6 July 2024 ore 19

St.Andrew’s Church of Scotland, Rome – Scottish Church

Via XX Settembre 7, 00187 Rome


In collaboration with

ArchinCantoEnsemble Strumentale e Vocale di Roma

Giulia Spanò, soprano




Margherita Tani, contralto





Emilia Nigro, Clare Politano, Ludovica Simeoli, Cochise Gozzerviolins

Giovanni Nigro, viola

Giovanni Romito, violoncello




Alberto Vitolo, shoulder cello and concert master




Concetta Seila Mammoccio, harpsichord 



Tickets up: – – OOOH Events

E’ possibile anche effettuare prenotazioni e pagamenti dei biglietti scelti tramite l’indirizzo paypal, effettuando poi direttamente l’ingresso (tramite nominativo).

Apertura botteghino ore 18.30

(N.B. per motivi organizzativi vengono accettati pagamenti solo in CONTANTI; unico pagamento online disponibile, paypal)

Ingresso Pubblico ore 18.40

Biglietto intero – euro 20

Ridotto under 20/over 65 – euro 15

Reduced under 10 e invalidi civili – euro 10

Promoxdue ticket – euro 35

Promotional ticket (minigroup or family) – euro 45

For information



Symphony in D minor for strings and continuous bass At the Holy Sepulchre” RV 169

“Sorrowful daughters of Jerusalem” Introduction to the Miserere in C minor for contralto, strings and continuous bass RV 638 – Recitative and Aria

“Lord God” for soprano, strings and continuous bass from Gloria in D major RV 589

Laudamus Te duetto soprano/mezzo dal Gloria in Re maggiore RV 589

“Nothing in the world is sincere” Motet in E major for soprano, strings and continuous bass RV 630

“Madness” dalla Sonata in Re minore per due violini e basso continuo op.1 n.12

*Transcription for strings and continuous bass by A.Vitolo


In collaboration with

ArchinCanto – Ensemble Strumentale e Vocale di Roma

Valentina Varriale, soprano



Federica Paganini, contralto



Emilia Nigro, Clare Politano, Ludovica Simeoli, Cochise Gozzerviolins

Giovanni Nigro, viola

Giovanni Romito, violoncello




Alberto Vitolo, shoulder cello and concert master




Concetta Seila Mammoccio, harpsichord